Entitlement. Used to be I had never heard that word. Now, it is used to accurately describe a mindset that is poisoning our nation. People want to see themselves as victims and when they convince themselves they are, they take on the entitlement mindset. They "deserve" to have things given to them, because they have had a hard life. I came to this conclusion after being a teacher for a head start program years ago. My students wore brand new designer clothing while my son and I (who did not qualify because I made too much as a single teacher mom) existed on hand-me-downs and boxes of generic macaroni and cheese. :)
I am not knocking people as a whole who are on welfare. There are those who truly need assistance. But those are usually the ones who do not announce to the world they are receiving welfare. I was on food stamps for a very brief time during my pregnancy with my oldest. I was so embarrassed I would drive to a completely different side of town to use them, and just hoped I would not run into anyone I knew while I was checking out.
Unlike Leroy Fick. He not only announces it, but claims he has the legal right to continue receiving food stamps even though he won $2 million dollars in the lottery. Good grief. Seriously? Yes, in his state, he can legally still receive food stamps, but what about morally? Where is his integrity?
Integrity: doing what is right even if it is not required of you. Obviously, integrity is not something you can buy or maybe this lottery winner would have some now.
Please read my article on Xomba. Thanks for dropping in to read!
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