Romans 1:16 (KJV)
For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.
I've known this verse for some time. However, I read this verse using a different version of the Bible and it had the word "proud" instead of "ashamed".
Proud! For I am proud of the gospel of Christ!
What a more powerful way to view that verse! Instead of being hesitant to share the gospel, I should be proud.
I have every reason to be proud. Not because of anything I have done, but because of what Christ has done for me.
Christ died so that I could accept His payment for my sins and never be separated from God again!
I need to always be proud to be a Christian and not be afraid, or ashamed, to share the gospel with others.
A friend of mine was scheduled to share the story of her daughter's battle with leukemia at a Relay For LIfe event. She wanted to make sure all the glory was given to God. She was not ashamed of the gospel, despite being nervous about speaking publicly, she was proud. What a great testimony!
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