Friday, December 7, 2012

Instructions Required

Recently, our vacuum cleaner decided it was time to retire! This was shortly after Youngest Son dropped it down the stairs. Anyhoo... I headed out to the store to get a replacement. With this many feet in a small house, there is no going without vacuuming!

The one we had was a perfect size for the Littles to handle. However, I was sad to learn it was not available. Oh, well. I needed a larger one anyway. I needed something that would have POWER!

I found one I liked after careful consideration and thought.  
Translation: the cheapest one on the shelf.

I took it home and eagerly opened the carton. I couldn't wait to use this new, gleaming vacuum cleaner that would transform my house to a shining beacon of cleanliness, testifying to my domestic talents.

On to the instructions! This was not going to be my favorite part, I knew. When it comes to instructions, Hubby and I experience a role reversal. He will stop immediately and ask for directions when lost. I refuse to do so because I know my directional instincts will kick in...eventually.

I picked up the instructions, while looking for the English side, determined to only give a perfunctory glance. However, something in the instructions caught my eye:

Assembly is required before using.
A multitude of sarcastic remarks sprang to my brain!  Whenever I read these type of statements in the instructions my first thought is: who is the idiot that tried to do that which made them include this bit of choice advice?  Haven't we all wanted to know who the individual was who tried to use the blow-dryer in the bathtub?

I grabbed my phone to take a picture.

 Why, oh why, isn't my vacuum cleaner working??? Let me check the instructions. Oh! I have to put it together first? So glad they told me that!

Yes, this is silly and sarcastic. But in reality, when I was laughing about this (to myself, which caused my kids to wonder about my sanity) it actually struck me how this applies spiritually.

The Word of God is an awesome thing. But how many times do I take it for granted? I can honestly say; today, I read my verse and my devotional, but did I apply it?

The Bible is an instruction manual for us. There have been times in my life when I regarded the Bible as more of a suggestion on how to live. Thankfully, God revealed to me it is a commandment on how to live; for my betterment.

Most importantly, the Bible contains the most important instruction ever: how to get saved.

For those of us who have been Christians for awhile, the plan of salvation seems to be just understood. We tend to forget that others may need to be told of the plan of salvation. Just like I thought telling someone to put the vacuum cleaner together first before using was something people would naturally understand; no point in explaining.

As important as where we will spend all of eternity is, we need to remember (myself included!) that there may be those out there who do not know the Bible, and they do require instruction on how to get saved.

Back to the vacuum cleaner—I was struggling to get it assembled. I was starting to become frustrated. If I couldn't get this thing working, how was I going to clean up my house? My way of trying to fit all the pieces together was not working. I would not be able to get the desired end result. Hubby came along and asked if I needed help. I could tell he was tired. I know he had other things he wanted to be doing, however, I did need his help. He squatted down on the floor by me and dutifully picked up the instructions, which I knew he would do. In practically no time at all, he had my wonderful new vacuum cleaner put together!

He could have chosen to let me flounder on my own. After all, he was tired. He had done his work for the day. He deserved a rest, right? But, no. He took the time to help me understand what I could not on my own. He was patient with me even though he was really tired.

I want to remember to not pass people up who may be floundering. They may be trying their various ways to make the pieces of their lives fit, trying to "clean up" their lives—becoming frustrated because they are not achieving the desired end result. I cannot assume they know how to get the Peace that passes all understanding. I may be tired, but I need to stop and sit by them. Pick up the Instructions—Bible—and show them how the Word of God puts things—life—together so wonderfully. With Him, they will truly get the desired end result.

If you are not one who knows Christ, Who is the only Way to God, please leave a comment. I would like to show you how. The image shown here is found on the Navigators website. I think it is a really concise and clear way to present the Gospel.      

Romans 6:23 Randy Raysbrook, The Navigators

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