Thursday, January 3, 2013


I probably do not go through an entire day where I don't stop and think, "I miss Mom."

I think that is progress. I used to have to tell myself at least once a day that Mom was gone. I kept forgetting.

While home for Christmas, we cleaned out Mom's closet. I brought home some clothes of hers as we could wear the same size in some items. Today, I picked out a blouse of hers to wear. Later, Youngest Son came over to hug me. He said, "You smell like Mama." (Mama was her grandma name to the kids)

I'm so glad he remembers her. Mom had a good relationship with all my children. I think her memory will stay with them throughout their lives, even if Youngest Son is quite young.

When she died, I was thinking of things for which to be grateful. One thing I listed was the fact my children really knew their Mama. They each had their special connection to her. Mom cherished her grandchildren. I could probably write an entire post per relationship she had with each child.

When we announced we were having number five, concern for my well-being and the baby's outweighed people's joy when responding to the news. We certainly were surprised ourselves that we were going to have another one so soon, as Third Son was only seven months old. However, God's timing is not our timing. After we hung up with letting Mama know about the pregnancy, I received an email from her. She was so upset with herself for not showing the joy she felt about the news and instead let worry prevail. Of course, we had not thought anything of her response. We knew she was  happy about another grandchild, but just worried. Bless her heart, she was convicted and sent that email. It bothered her to think she wasn't trusting in God to keep the baby safe till delivery. She was here when he did arrive and got to hold him while he was in the NICU before she flew back to Texas.

While she was here on another trip, she got to witness Only Daughter and Second Son ask Jesus to forgive them of their sins and be their Savior. She loved being here for that! She was seeing answer to prayer HER mother prayed for years; that generations of children would trust Jesus.

She was here for the birth of Third Son, too. Mama held him quite a bit before she finally had to leave to go home to Texas. He was such a little bundle, that we still continue to call him Bundle.

And, of course, Mama had a special relationship with Oldest Son as she helped raise him for the first two years of his life.

Mom really loved being a grandmother and my kids really loved Mama being their grandmother.

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