Thursday, June 26, 2014

When Our Kids Pass Us Up

Lately, I am very aware that my children are growing up.
Of course, that is exactly what I want them to do. 
Hubby and I didn't have children for them to stay as babies.
But some days, it just seems like the growing up is going faster than I care for it to.
Oldest Son turned 21 this spring. 
Only Daughter is taller than I. Considering how short I am, this really wasn't a challenge for her. 

The other day, Only Daughter hung up her dad's overalls but she hung them up high enough that I couldn't reach them. I had to holler for her to come reach them for Mom. Actually, I have noticed I have been calling her to come reach stuff for me a lot lately. 

Well, I'm glad my kids are growing. I hope they will always strive to grow spiritually as well.

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