Friday, June 13, 2014

Modern Times in Education

Oh, this is too funny!

It actually reminded of a time when I was an assistant math teacher in Mississippi―way back in the early 90's.

The teacher, Ms. Hawkins, was explaining certificates of deposits to the children. However, she referred to them as a CD. She asked the children how many of them owned a CD. Nearly every child raised his/her hand.

Ms. Hawkins was overjoyed! She was thrilled to see their parents taking financial responsibility for their children. This was in an area where many of the students were pretty poor and parents weren't always known for making good life choices.

I felt I better intervene. I timidly said, "Uh....Ms. Hawkins. I'm sorry to interrupt but I think the students are thinking you are talking about a compact disc, which plays music, like a record."

Ms. Hawkins turned to the class. "Is that what you all thought?"

The class said they did and the hands came down.

Poor Ms. Hawkins! She was so deflated. I think she may have murmured something like Ms. Hawkins getting too old to teach

She was such a great teacher for the kids and for me! She had such a heart for the kids and one way she showed it was holding them accountable for their work and behavior.

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