Well, we now have another broken bone for our family's medical history. I hope our kids are not trying to set a record or something!
Yesterday, out in the front yard, our younger boys were playing football. So you can probably see where this is going. Our third son was tackled by our second son. They hit pavement. From all eyewitness accounts, the thud of his head hitting made quite a sound.
Now, mind you, this son who was tackled already got to visit the ER in Wichita, Kansas, on our way to Texas because he fell off a high stool onto a tile floor at a McDonald's. Maybe he IS trying to set a record. If so, I wish he would have done this when we were active duty and not paying co-pays.
It became apparent that he was going to need to go to the ER. I have to admit, my thought was, "Again???" He had a pretty good-sized goose egg on his head and his shoulder area was really bruising up. He was having trouble with it.
My hubby and son headed off to the ER. The rest of us stayed here. Our daughter was not feeling well all day, so I had a sick and crying daughter on my hands as well. I sent the other two young sons to the kitchen to grab a bedtime snack. As I sat in the living room, I heard some non-harmonious sounds coming from the kitchen. Our second son comes in to tell me that the youngest one was really upsetting him.
Our second son is going through a phase right now...well, I truly hope it is a phase...of worrying about everything. So it did not help him that his youngest brother was telling him that in order to be prepared, the youngest son had picked out his funeral clothes out in case the third son died.
The stress level was high.
I informed them the injury would not be that serious and then proceeded to remind them to turn all worry over to the Lord. When they left the room, I kind of chuckled to myself about this story. There are two things to learn from this:
1. My children have had to get funeral clothes ready for WAY too many trips back home to Texas.
2. Even though the third son's injury was not as serious as it could have been (he did have a fractured collar bone), we do need to be prepared for when we die.
The Bible says all men will die. Our physical bodies will only last so long. (especially if tackling and kicking each other off of the trampoline are daily events)
The world's staunchest atheist cannot dispute the fact we will all die a physical death.
I hope if you have not settled the question on where you will you go when you die, that you will today.
Thanks for stopping by to read. I am very grateful to God for His continual protection of my family. I write this with a light-hearted tone, but I do take my kids' injuries seriously.
Thank you to all of you who received my text last night and started praying!
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