Saturday, September 8, 2012

963 More Miles to Go

As most of you know, my family and I have had a whirlwind of a week. Within six days, we traveled to Texas, had my mother's funeral, and drove back to Utah. Tiring would be an understatement.

As we were heading out of Texas, we approached Amarillo. Looking at his side window, my son saw the lights of town and asked if we were near home.

Inwardly, I drooped. I hardly relished telling him we still had 963 more miles to go! I had the knowledge of exactly how much further we truly had. I had the guidance of the GPS and the atlas, and looking out my big windshield window, it was without a doubt I knew we were far from home.

I started thinking how like my son I am regarding God's vision. I am looking at life through my puny side window and what I think is the end in the distance, truly is not. God knows the map and the route. Actually, God IS the Map and Route! He is looking out the big windshield window and knows how far I am from  where He is taking me.

Not being able to see out the windshield is not necessarily a bad thing. I know God only gives us what we can handle. If He showed me all of what was ahead, I would be overwhelmed! I wouldn't be able to enjoy the scenery out my side window.

I am so thankful for God's guidance! I look at certain times in my life and I definitely got off of the path God laid out for me. In other words, my spiritual GPS was constantly screaming, "Recalculating"! However, God, in His patience and grace, guides me back on the path on which I need to be traveling.

During this road trip called Life, I am more than willing for God to be the parent driving, and for me to be the child in the backseat, enjoying what I see out the side window.

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