Wednesday, April 24, 2013

An Answered Prayer

Fifteen years ago today, my Hubby and I started dating!

I still get excited about it when I think of it. He and I had been buddies for several years as we were in the same Singles department at church. I used to think of him more as a big brother than anything.

Then one day I noticed he was gone and another buddy told me Hubby (who wasn't Hubby back then) had gone on TDY.

Bummer.....but, wait. Why does that bum me out? He has gone on TDY tons of times. Then I noticed I missed him in a different kind of way.

"Oh, no!" I thought.  "I will ruin our good friendship if I start to like him in THAT way." 

Boy, did I ever start praying. I truly did not want to ruin our friendship, but the more I prayed, I realized he was definitely the kind of man I wanted in my life.

First and foremost, he loved God with everything he had. Still does, too.
Spiritually, he was a giant compared to other guys I had known.
He was handsome and tall. He was kind and generous. He was funny and enjoyed humor. He was reliable and responsible. The list kept going on and on.

When he came back from the TDY, I was a little awkward around him because I wasn't sure how he felt about me. I began praying for God to reveal to me if this man was the one for me. I prayed this for several months. I kept waiting for Hubby to notice the subtle hints I left and the extra attention I paid him.

It did not work. God led me to believe a sledgehammer was needed for Hubby to realize how I felt.

Finally, I just blurted out to him in a phone conversation that I liked him, I wanted to be more than friends, and I wanted to him to be mine.

We have been together since the second those words left my mouth.

I call it my weekend of answered prayer, as that was a Friday. The very next day, Oldest Son accepted Jesus as His Savior. What a wonderful, wonderful weekend!

Thank you, Lord!

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