Lately, as in the past several months, I have been battling with several different issues. Fatigue, massive headaches, being hot...see where I'm going with this?
Yesterday, I left the church from play practice to pick up Hubby and the Sons. I had the AC in my exquisite van just blasting arctic air. I could not get cool enough. It wasn't even that hot yesterday in Utah. When Hubby got in, that arctic air immediately went straight to his bald head. He made an exclamation and reached to turn down the AC.
Oh, no you don't!
I informed him that I was burning up and could not stop sweating. Hubby's solution was to apply Degree. Hubby thinks Degree is absolutely, hands-down, completely the best antiperspirant and deodorant out there. Bar none. To be fair, it is a great product. It served him well all those years on the flight line in Texan and Middle Eastern temperatures. However, it wasn't cutting it for me.
I told him I was beginning to think I may be entering the early stages of "THE CHANGE".
"How can that be?" he asked in a shocked tone. "You're not old enough."
I assured him I was old enough for perimenopause.
"What's that?"
At that point I ceased to explain ladies' issues with him and continued driving. I just reiterated that I needed the AC on full blast because I couldn't stop sweating.
"Well, you need to use Degree."
I told him I had.
"That can't be. I have found that four or five good swipes really work."
By this time I am laughing. "Are you really giving me a lesson on how to apply deodorant?"
He got into the spirit of things too. He said he thought vertical, rather than horizontal, swipes worked better in the armpit. I was relieved to hear that because I had been mistakenly using the swirly motions in my armpit.
However, I am still plagued by the question of what exactly was Hubby in denial of the most:
the possibility of my entering perimenopause
the fact his beloved Degree wasn't working.
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