Thursday, June 23, 2011

Takes All Kinds

You've heard the old expression, "takes all kinds", right? We usually use this expression when we encounter people we just cannot agree with or those people whom we just have no clue how to handle.

I have noticed in the online writers' communities I have been joining, this expression certainly holds true! For the most part, the writers are all very friendly and encouraging of one another. It really is a neat connection to share the interest of making words work for you. (Hubby has nicknamed me Mrs. Wordssmith) Some have added interesting comments to articles that improve the article and/or leave comments to just show encouragement. 

However, there are some who just love to criticize from a self-appointed lofty view. They truly see themselves as superior writers to the rest of us. I have encountered one such writer on one of my sites. She left comments on an article I had written. I was prepared for her, though. I had seen her do that to other authors. Were her comments valid? a degree. My article just was not meant to cover the angles she suggested. I felt she left her comments to cyber-goad me into arguing with her, which is something I had seen her do elsewhere on another writer's article. At that time, I made the mistake of taking the bait. Solved nothing. So I just answered her politely. I knew she would not be satisfied with my answer and she proved me right. She left another comment in attempts to get me into an argument. I just thanked her for taking the time to leave a comment. Haven't heard back from her since. 

All this to say: 

 Proverbs 15:1 "A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger."

I have not written anything new. Life has called me away from the pen and paper. Or I guess I should say, the laptop. :) I am hoping to get several new articles out fairly soon. It all depends on how the smoothly the home life goes. For some reason, my family feels the need to eat and have clean clothes on a daily basis.

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