Friday, March 15, 2013

Trusting God's Nature, Not Circumstances

Going through a rough time?

I don't know anybody who has not had at least once season in his/her life where things were really tough. I know I have had those seasons.

I know God is there during those times. I think we all do. However, sometimes what we know is not what we feel.  We may question why we are having to experience these things.

I firmly believe God can handle all of our questions. He can handle when we are angry with Him. Always remember to share your doubts and emotions with God. Never turn away and nurse those things until they have developed a bitter chasm in your relationship with God.

Honestly, I have never experienced an outright anger toward God. I have felt frustration when He answered a prayer differently than I thought He should. I am not to know all the answers while here on earth. When I demand for answers, what that is really saying is I think God should fit into my mortal definition of what makes sense. He needs to explain why things happen to me.

Being a parent, I can now understand I do not always need to be given an explanation. God is doing things for my good. Yes, that also means the bad things. I don't always explain to my children why I need them to obey me. I expect them to be able and willing to obey with or without explanation. There are occasions to take the time to explain to the child the "why" and make a teaching moment out of it.

 However, one of my sons is going through a time right now where he wants to change my orders.  I will obey you, if I can do it my way. This may make some wonder what is necessarily wrong with that. Well, I believe having a child learn to obey his parents is foundational in helping him to obey God. Do I want my child to tell God, "I will obey you, if I can do it my way."?

Absolutely not. I want my child to love God and to love Him is to obey Him. For the present time, I do not give this son explanations for why I have asked him to do certain things. As he shows obedience without negotiations, I'll go back to taking the time to explain.

I'm not saying that God withholds explanations from us because we are needing to learn something. What if He is withholding information about why we are going through the rough times because it protects us to not know? Sometimes we humans cannot handle the truth. Sometimes we cannot handle to whole scope of things. We are limited in our knowledge and understanding. God the Father is not.

During rough times, I hope my children will obey God even though an explanation may not be included. When it feels like God is not working for our good, remember He is. When we can't see what direction God could possibly be taking us, remember to trust His nature.

God's nature is to love us and provide for us. He wants an abundant life for each of His children. Those characteristics are not consistent with Someone who wants to bring hurt in our lives, just to make us go through it.

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