Thursday, June 19, 2014

Just a Child

I am listening to a song called When the Word Became Flesh to Me. It is a song I was listening to as I'm writing a Christmas play.

Just a Child, yet the hope of redemption
He left the splendor of Heaven
Just to think that God loved me enough
to know what I would need
He sent down His only begotten Son
And the Word became flesh to me

He was just a Child when He was earthly born, but He was fully God. Everything we had been waiting for and needed to reconcile with God, was brought to us in the form of a little child who would grew to be a man to die for our sins.

To close that fatal sin gap between God and us. 

I am so glad for this song because it keeps reminding me that Christmas is more than just about Jesus being born. He was born so that He could save us from our sin. I have seen the saying, "Born to die". That is exactly what Jesus did for us. 

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