Thursday, August 25, 2011

Ministry Fumes

Lately, I have been running on ministry fumes. 

I love and enjoy serving in the various ministries to which I have been called. Lately, though, discouragement has been dragging me down. Fulfilling my duties with discouragement loomed over me then led to fatigue. I recently joked with a friend that I was literally running on "ministry fumes". 

A few weeks ago, I was feeling discouraged and was in prayer about it. The Lord answered me by putting more people in my path to encourage. I have been struggling with everything that is on my plate and have been in prayer about it. The Lord answered me by showing me people who have more burdens in their lives than I. 

Today was I reading the devotional from Encouragement For Today. It really was something I needed to read today. It was about having fresh faith. I really liked how that sounded!  I know I can do nothing in my own strength. Isaiah 58:10 gave me a burst of energy and encouragement like I have not had in awhile.

If thou pour out thy soul to the hungry, and refresh the troubled soul: then shall thy light spring out in the darkness, and thy darkness shall be as the noon day.  Isaiah 58:10 Geneva Bible 1599

To read the devotional, click here.

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