Today I tested out one of the recipes from the the book, Gluten-Free in Five Minutes, for lunch. I was serving the rest of the family homemade chicken noodle soup and they would be having bread or crackers with theirs, so I wanted to try one of the roll recipes for Third Son.
It was amazing how easy it was to put together! Right there, that is a big plus, especially for lunches. When we are doing our home school, time for lunch is short, so I can't have a lunch that involves a lot of prep.
It didn't look exactly like a roll because I didn't have a microwave-safe dish shaped like a roll, but it was still neat to see how easily it cooked in two minutes.
I gingerly put the roll, that looked more like a mini-cake, on a plate for Third Son and handed him the honey. Hubby was there as well, so he was eager to see how this was going to work for Third Son, who on his best day, is a picky eater.
Third Son cut off a piece with his fork and ate it. He chewed. He looked thoughtfully off in the distance as he chewed. Hubby and I just knew some kind of comment was about to happen. (If you have had any dealing with Third Son, you know what I mean.)
Third Son said, "Not bad. A little bit dry, though."
Fair enough. I was supposed to use applesauce in the recipe but when I got mine out, I discovered it had morphed into a science fiction monster. Instead, I used some dairy but was fearful of using too much. Duly noted.
However, he then proceeded to make gagging cough sounds, exaggerated swallowing motions and insisted he needed a drink of water immediately.
To be fair, he did calm down (after Hubby and I warned him to knock it off), and ate most of the cake. He said it was good enough for him to eat sometimes but probably not every day. Since he said this to me in a tone of voice as if he were my boss, I then let him know he would eat it any time I made it. Ha!
This recipe called for baking powder, so I was not able to taste-test it myself. (baking powder is derived from corn...or as I call it—satan on a stick) I will keep testing these recipes so if any of you are having to do gluten-free, you can see if this recipe book is worth a try or not.
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