Thursday, August 8, 2013

Freezer Buddies

A couple of weeks ago, I went down to the deep-freezer, in the basement, to see what meat I could pull out to thaw. I was greeted with this ➜

I would like to make it sound more dramatic and say I was so surprised to find stuffed animals in the freezer! but having been around my kids this long, my only thought was, why not? 
I knew it was the work of Youngest Son. I asked him why he had decided to ice his friends. Were they criminals? He explained that it gets hot at night, so he puts them in the freezer during the day so when he cuddles with them at night, they are cool. As one who hates being hot, I can fully appreciate any method one uses to try to stay cool.

Today, these Freezer Buddies came in handy. Youngest Son was stung by a wasp in the backyard. He and a yellow jacket had a disagreement over the  ownership of a plum that was on the ground. Youngest Son came in just crying and wailing, poor little guy. Third Son ran down to the freezer to pull out the Buddies to give to his younger brother for comfort and for the soothing coolness on the stung hand.

Every once in awhile, a frozen buddy really comes in handy.

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