Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Parroting His Parents

Anyone who has been around children, especially young children, knows that a child will parrot what he hears. I think teachers are especially aware of this. I remember back when I was a public pre-kindergarten teacher, a four year old girl called me a b#@!*. Naturally, her mother was not pleased. What struck me was the mother's excuse of not knowing where her child heard that word. My thought was, yeah, right, while doing a mental eye roll. 

Can a child pick up a word or thought that doesn't come from their parents? You bet. But if you are being an active parent, you would know exactly where that had come from and monitor that influence on your child.

That's the serious side of this post.

Yesterday, we were driving around and getting some errands accomplished. I was doing the driving. I love driving my beautiful, big van but rarely do so while we are all together. Why? Because if Hubby isn't the one driving, he is having a good time tormenting the children. He says he is just tickling them, but squeals and screams abound.  For the one driving, this can get annoying, even if you know the kids love it when their father plays with them.

As he was rough-housing with one child, (while all have seat belts on, which you have to admire Hubby's talent), the squeals were getting extremely loud. Youngest Son was sitting safely out of Hubby's range in the far back and he yelled, "My hearing aids!"

I almost had to pull over because I was laughing so hard. Hubby has to wear hearing aids in both ears and we are constantly telling the kids to not get so loud in the house. Hubby busted out laughing as well. 

Our kids are going to parrot what we say or do. Scarey, right? 

My sincere desire and prayer is that my kids will parrot God for the rest of their lives.

While looking for a parrot image, I decided to use this drawing Third Son drew.


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