Wednesday, September 18, 2013

The Joy of Speelling....I mean, Spelling

Only Daughter wrote this on a post it and had it up in our school room.

I loved the message of the post! However, I couldn't help but notice the spelling.

As a family, we truly detest filing people away into certain stereotypes. I think my children have really listened to Mom preach against categorizing people and have decided to rebel against stereotypes of home school students.

One of the most common stereotypes of home school students is being an excellent speller. My children have shattered that stereotype thoroughly. I would actually venture to say we are the antithesis of that stereotype.

Today was our spelling test day. Only Daughter soared with a perfect score! Second Son made the score of 80! I was feeling really confident that our spelling was taking a turn for the better. I tested Youngest Son next and he made a 70. Third Son pulled in last with a 60.

Third Son was a bit down about making a 60. Youngest Son tried to be an encouragement by saying he himself had made the lowest grade. Third Son had to explain to Youngest Son that a 60 was worse than a 70. Note to self: work on greater than, less than with Youngest Son in math today.

Both boys buckled down to the task of examining their mistakes to see where they had misspelled their words and writing them down correctly. Third Son had to rewrite the word "aloud". He showed me his work and asked if I liked how neatly he had printed the letter "b", while pointing to the "d".

Okay, so spelling is going to take more work this school year. I just appreciate their efforts to learn correct spelling in a world that relies on spell check. Indisputably, it is important to be strong academically. Hubby and I want our children to be good stewards of the minds God gave them. Along with academics, though, we want them to be strong spiritually. It was that concern that moved us to home school years ago; back when I was a public school teacher who said would never home school. Another note to self: stop using the word "never".  

For our family, home schooling is the only choice. We love being around our kids all day long to see how they take little daily things and relate them to God.  They are not perfect, by any means, but they do show a heart for God. I'll take that any day over someone who is a champion speeler    spelllur   speller.

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